Published on July 2nd, 2009 | by Saurabh Pandey
66 Tips for Selling Online Video Ads!
1. It’s not just about reach, it’s about involvement and engagement: Explain to your clients about the involvement, sharability and engagement opportunities. Gone are the days of sales based on just impressions, registered users and reach.
2. It’s also about respecting consumers’ choice: The user will watch a video ad only if he/she chooses to. It’s different than watching an ad on TV. Even in situations when Auto-Play video ads are shown, the user has a right to stop or pause the ad. THESE ARE DAYS OF PERMISSIVE MARKETING-The RoS story will not work.
3. It’s about impact: convince people to use video synergetically. Illustrate how synergetic use of video can drive more offline and online sale, drive more walkins and create better impact
4. It’s about interactivity: A recent Eyeblaster study found that marketers can effectively boost direct-response performance by capturing data in video banner ads, compared with persuading the user to travel to the home website to leave their details.
Another Eyeblaster study of video duration found that, when video was user-initiated, audiences viewed the clip for longer — and with higher attention rates — than they did with auto-initiated video by 50.6 percent to 27.6 percent. (Source:
So imagine a video ad which starts with a ‘poll’, midway asks you select ‘options’ and in the end asks you to fill a small ‘form’. Imagine how much invilvement and feedback can you drive with little interactivity!
5. No one has time to stop for 30 seconds on the web: Ask ypur clients to customise their TV ads to suit web preferences. The best thing to do is to show the USPs and climax as soon as you start. Get to the point very quickly.
6. At the end it’s about metrics-
Don’t just provide a log sheet of impressions or view (like the old time TV ad sales people would do)
6.1 A video ad can be watched full or half , both of them are successful indicators. Espeically since good online video ads would have told the story during the first half itself-hence delivering the message as intended
6.2 Any attempts to increase the volume, or replay, or sharing of video by the user- should be implied as a positive reference, and should be shared with the clients.
So, it’s not about reach only, and it’s not about a compelling 30 or 60 seconder, Online Video ads work because they:
1. are more interactive than TV ads
2. add more impact when used synergetically with other forms of ads
3. have more viral capabilities and
4. they have more engaging powers than a regular ad format.
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