What are the Benefits of Social Networking for Teachers?
Millennials live and breathe on social media, so teachers are learning how to incorporate the medium into the classroom successfully.
In doing so, teachers not only encourage students to engage actively in the material, but they also provide online communities for students that might not exist for them in real life.
Social networking is as important for teachers as it is for others. While, social media is a handy tool in the classroom, it can be as beneficial outside the classroom. There are a number of ways that one can take advantage of networking.
Sharing ideas
Social networks is the best platform to share ideas with each other. They can also compare notes on classroom teaching techniques and learning styles can help you enhance the learning experience in your classroom. One can also share lesson plans and visual aid ideas.
Connect with other school Teachers
Since you are present on social network so will be the other teacher from different schools. You can connect with these teachers and stay updated with curicullum changes in other states or country.
Connect with Students
Social network also give you a chance to connect with your students and other students as well. Connecting with other school students and helping them will make you a brand as a teacher. While helping your own students can make you their favorite teacher. Share study tips and tricks during exams.
Getting information
Teachers can also use social networking to connect with teachers and other persons from another country. This can help them get accurate information on other countries and not just use content from the internet that is often outdated. For example, you can now plan a virtual field trip, as discussed on our website earlier, with ease and accuracy. If you are planning a virtual trip to another country, you could get in touch with people from that country and understand their lifestyle, food habits and culture.
Professional development
Social networks help you know of seminar, conferences and other development workshops in your area or online. Touching base with individuals from those entities would help them connect with you and keep you in the loop.
Some days the students would meet in the virtual world instead of meeting at a real-life lecture hall. The professor would send out an email saying, “Class on Tuesday will be held in Second Life instead of the lecture hall. I’ll email you all the coordinates soon.”