Digital Retail & Exhibition- The Millennial Consumer’s Playground
At the recent Broadcast India exhibition in Mumbai, we witnessed various brands installing ipads at their stalls, so that users could browse and get the information they seek.
We saw this FAILING at least in 3 ways:
1. The ipads got automatically got locked, hence even if a user wanted to use it , he/she was not able to do so
2. At some places we saw that the installed ipads, belonged to a company employee- and the emails and other data were publically accessible, and apart from posing a security risk it also lends an unprofessional imagery of the brand.
3. Somewhere, a printed brochure was scanned and put up in digital format. This is a big blunder because online navigation and information search are different than print consumption of content. If a random user browsed a few pages on ipad and left, the subsequent user would find it immensely difficult to find his/her way back to home page or to any other desired page.
All these FAIL the purpose of digital integration and then as professionals, we lose motivation to invest our time and money in further such integrations.
So, digital integration with events or retail should be:
1. Conspicuous & Inviting- It could be the design, it could be the size, it could the position in the store. The Digital device should attract and motivate people for usage. Due to this, Your brand can get an upper hand in terms of noticeability at the retail level
2. Engaging: a multitude of information in various formats (videos, images, shop) and various ways to interact- chat-up. share, send to email, zoom-in etc. The more people are engaged, the more are the chances of a sale.
3. Accessible– think, how can an old person access your information, how can one access it in low light, what’s the screen size, what’s the height of podium, language, voice interaction etc.
4. User-Friendly– easy to navigate and, easy to operate, use of icons and images,.for faster and efficient use.
At dotConverse, we believe that It’s not a fight between digital & brick & mortar. Future of retail is multifaceted. The marketers need to understand and leverage the power of each medium intersected with consumer lifecycle. Talk to our retail commerce experts to design a digital integration and growth story for your brand.
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