Published on June 28th, 2016 | by Saurabh Pandey
0How to master the twitter advanced search option
Every second, on average, around 6,000 tweets are sent on Twitter, which translates to over 500 million tweets per day! Did you know you could search every single one of them? (Plus the multi-million profiles attached to them!). Twitter has an amazing, yet somewhat little-known Twitter Advanced Search tool to help you find exactly what we’re looking for.
> Marketing hacks
> Monitoring your brand reputation
> Analyzing the competition
> Fine-tuning your search
> A super simple sales trick
Twitter Advanced Search is a goldmine for marketers and small business owners.
How to master the twitter advanced search option:
At first twitter advanced search fields may distract you. But don’t worry we have a perfect guide to this below.
Guide for twitter advanced search:
All of these words: Enter two or more words in this field and you’ll see tweets that contain those terms (in no particular order). You can search for one or more phrase by using quotations to separate each, for example “social media” and “social marketing”.
This exact phrase: It’s best to search for just one phrase in here. This field is particularly useful if you want to search for names or quotes.
Any of these words: This field is great to search for multiple words. For example, if I was searching for all things Buffer related I could use ‘Buffer’, ‘@Buffer’ and ‘#Buffer’.
None of these words: Whatever you put in here will be remove tweets from your search results that contain the words or phrases you included.
These hashtags: This one helps you to hone in on hashtags, I tend to use it to check-in on #bufferchat conversation.
Written in: Using this option will allow you to find tweets in any of Twitter’s 50 supported languages.
From these accounts: This one will show you tweets only from the account’s you add in this field.
To these accounts: Enter the username of one or more accounts and you’ll be able to see tweets sent to them.
Mentioning these accounts: Pretty similar to the last two, enter an account name (or more) in this field and you can see any tweets mentioning your chosen usernames.
Near this place: You can see tweets sent while a person was in a particular area.
From this date to this date: This is an incredibly easy way to search for tweets between two dates.
In addition to the Advanced Search page itself, there’re a couple other great resources for helping to further refine your results. On Twitter’s search results page, you’ll have menu options for filtering results by media type, profiles, and more. And you can also do quite a number of advanced search tricks from any Twitter search box, using a combination of Twitter search operators.
Twitter has so much to search!