Enterprise 2.0! How businesses are lapping up social media?
What do you think will power the next generation enterprise? My long-time friend and the Editorial Director of The CTO FORUM Magazine asked me! Even before this, a few months back Gaurav Dewan from Solution Digitas asked me about Enterprise 2.0!
My discussion with Rahul and Geetaj Channana of CTO Forum Magazine, went on for a while and they asked me to share my thoughts as an article in the magazine. SO here is an excerpt of the same article and a link to the full-version below. Hope you enjoy reading the same and do write back with your thoughts!
So, What do you think will power the next generation enterprise?
Maybe you know the answer already – people! Want to go even deeper – it’s collaborative ideas!
The success metrics of new genera-tion enterprise are already very clear: how can we be more innovative, relevant, effcient and adapt to change at 2X the speed thus far?
While the metrics and the power engine (people and ideas) seem traditional, the implications are very futuristic.
CK Prahlad, a world renowned strategy professor and thinker, states that in the new age enterprise will have to focus on a simple formula: n=1 and r=g. What he means by this is that the next generation enterprise will have to create products and services customized for every single consumer and in order to do so they need to source resources globally. No single frm or individual can have a complete monopoly towards satisfying customized needs of individuals in the new age of business. This is the key for Enterprise 2.0.
The next generation enterprise will have to harness the collaborative power of its stakeholders (its buyers and suppliers largely) to generate new ideas, work on those ideas and create innovative, relevant and effcient products that can be adapted quickly.
The next generation enterprises are already facing a tough problem – they are global in nature. Their intellectual capabilities are scattered across the globe. The only means to organise this intellectual energy is email and the age old intranet! Read this article where it was originally published: http://www.thectoforum.com/content/powering-next-gen-enterprise
image courtsey: http://www.searchviews.com/wp-content/themes/clean-copy-full-3-column-1/images/twitter-for-business-intelligence.jpg