
Published on July 19th, 2016 | by Saurabh Pandey


How To Find And Connect With Your Ideal Clients Using Social MEdia

Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurs everywhere they are present. But they all have one question: “How to Find Clients Using Social Media?”
With billions of people using social media every day, it’s fast and easy to discover clients that you may want to work. But the question is “How”.
So we thought we should share something from our experience for people or rather entrepreneur out their looking for the answers.

Here’s how to find and connect with your ideal clients using Social Media:

Know your ideal client
The first step to finding client using social media is to have a clear picture of your ideal client in your mind. If you don’t know who your ideal client is, ask these simple questions to yourself:
• Who is looking for my skillset or services?
• Who do I like/want to work with? For example, more creative vs analytical?
• What type of business do they run?
• Do they have children?
• How much money do they make?
• What are their values?
• What are their hobbies?
• What is their educational level?
Also remember this one point:
Your client should be someone that you’re excited to work with and that would benefit from the skills you have to offer.

Search for your potential clients
Once you have figured out your ideal client, it’s time to put social media account to work. Now start your search for potential clients using keyword. For example if your ideal clients are school, then you’d put this keyword in social media’s search option.
You can also narrow down your search; let’s say you want to only target schools in your locale. Depending on the social network which you are using, can use the advanced search option to search only for schools in your locale.

Follow your potential clients
Follow your clients to see what they are doing in their business or day to day life. Tip: Don’t follow too many clients, otherwise your feed will be full of maybe clients which you don’t want to connect. Keep your list small.
Now start connecting with your list of clients on social network. Some clients will follow you back by sending message right away but some will not. Don’t be sad because some people take their time in observing you before connecting.

Interact with their content

You don’t have to comment on every single social media post that your potential clients make or like all of their Facebook photos (don’t be creepy about it). But do interact with the content they post. This will help them learn to recognize you and your brand.

Remember to keep your interactions authentic. You don’t want to woo a potential customer to work with you only to have them discover that you have a different personality than what you shared previously. This will confuse potential clients and muddle your branding attempts.

Reach out when appropriate

Wait for the right time to strike. If the potential client is posting on social media that she needs a website and that’s what you specialize in, then reach out. Let the client know that you can create beautiful and user-friendly website for their brand. This is a great example for reaching out at an appropriate time.

In some cases your clients will not be interested in you, and if you keep on pitching them, this will leave a negative impact about you and your brand.

So you should reach to only those clients who are interested in you.

To conclude the article, I would share a quote

“Make your marketing so useful people would pay for it”

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