
Published on June 14th, 2016 | by Saurabh Pandey


How to use Facebook’s Custom Audiences from your website

If someone visits your website after clicking on a Facebook advert, they may not always complete an action such as making a purchase or giving you their contact information. One great way to remarket to them is by using your Facebook pixel, formerly known as the Custom Audience pixel, to create a Custom Audience from your website. It’ll help you:

  • Bring website visitors back to complete a purchase
  • Find new customers who are similar to your website visitors
  • Get more value from new customer acquisition campaigns by excluding existing customers

1. Create a Facebook pixel

In order to identify your website visitors so that you can retarget them on Facebook, insert a Facebook pixel on your site. You can still use a Custom Audience pixel if you’ve already installed it, and skip to step 2.

  • Click Tools from the top menu.
  • Click Pixels > Facebook Pixel.
  • Click Create a Pixel.
  • Give your pixel a name. There’s only one pixel per advert account, so choose a name that represents your business.
  • Click Create Pixel.

How to use Facebook's Custom Audiences from your website

2. Create an audience

Once your pixel has been implemented on your website, you can build an audience based on your website visitors.
Go to Adverts Manager.

  • Click Tools, then choose Audiences.
  • Click Create Audience.
  • Select Custom Audience.
  • Click Website Traffic.
  • Give your Custom Audience a name, choose a Website Traffic option and click Create Audience.

How to use Facebook's Custom Audiences from your website

3. Create advert

You can access your Custom Audience from your website at any time in the Audiences tab in Adverts Manager.

  • Choose Create Advert next to the audience(s) that you wish to target.
  • Select your advertising objective, such as getting clicks to your website or website conversions, and set up the rest of your advert.

How to use Facebook's Custom Audiences from your website

Extra credit: Lookalike Audiences

Once you’ve set up Custom Audiences from your website, you can find new sets of people who are similar to your website visitors by creating a Lookalike Audience.
This takes the guesswork out of targeting and helps you increase sales based on people who have already shown interest in your products or services.
To create a Lookalike Audience, go to Adverts Manager > Tools > Audiences, click Create Audience and select Lookalike Audience from the drop-down menu.

How to use Facebook's Custom Audiences from your website_n


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