
Published on July 12th, 2016 | by Saurabh Pandey


5 Inspiring PowerPoint Presentation Examples for Marketers

Wondering why your presentation is not attracting leads?
I tell you why:
1. Maybe your presentation is full of too much of text.
2. Maybe your presentation is not able to convey what you want to say to your customers.
3. Maybe your presentation does not shows the real figure or stats.
4. Or maybe your presentation is simply boring.
To create a passing presentation, you need to demonstrate design skills, technical literacy, and a sense of personal style. A spoken presentation can be well rehearsed, but a bad visual experience can ruin it for the audience.
Presentations are vital part of marketing for marketers. So don’t be casual on it!
Here are 5 Inspiring PowerPoint Presentation Examples for Marketers:

1. “Fix Your Really Bad PowerPoint,” Slide Comet

2. “The What If Technique,” Motivate Design

3. “How to Produce Better Content Ideas,” Mark Johnstone

4. “Crap: The Content Marketing Deluge,” Velocity Partners

5. “Why Content Marketing Fails,” Rand Fishkin

So which one did inspire you? Also you can download them for free! 

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