Getting results from your social media platforms is not easy, but the process is relatively simple.
Many companies create social media pages and expect the customers to flock them up. It’s quite unrealistic, though it happens every day. Let’s take an example- Imagine a xyz store opening up, but not telling anyone about it – how much business could that store expect? Nil, The same principle is at work online; you have to let people know you are “open for business”.
Here are some tips I’ve found to help combat and work towards joining a community where you can be heard, as well as hearing others:
- Consumer
The main focus of the business is – “consumer”. When people feel that they’re important to you, they pay more attention to you. We all know there are faces behind each brand, let your personality come out from behind the brand as well. Allow yourself to be the fun, engaging and relatable person you are offline, online. Thank people for posts or sharing your posts. Ask questions that help you get to know people better, and when you are asked questions, answer them honestly, and as you.
- Converse, not sell
Think of ways to engage people. Ask questions about your products, their opinions on related issues, even what they think of local sports teams chances in the playoffs. The point is to get them talking to you. Helping with some aspect of their lives or their businesses is always a winner as well.
- Visuals
Use few photos that represent you or your brand and disperse them with your text. Scroll down your own timeline .What catches your eye? The text, a picture or a video that pops out? I think you got the answer!
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